from Part 2 of Moscow Nobil Genealogik Book (studbook)
Historical Archive of Moscow. Fond 4. List 8. N. 1388 and N. 1389)
=Maria Chashnikova
Alexey Nikolay
(* 1757) (*1765)
=Elizaveta Strahova =Fedosja
Pavel Maria Alexandra Dmitrii Alexandr Vasilii
(*1809) (*1800) (*1802)
=Ekaterina Sweshnikova
Vladimir Elizaveta Sofia Elena Alexey
(* 1844)
=Maria Sitnikova
(*1802) has two sons Mikhail (1834) and Dmitrii (*1838). The son of Dmitrii
(*1809) was Nikolay (*1842) and his son was Alexandr.
The brother
of Alexey (*1757) was Vladimir (*1853) and his son were was Anatolii (*1853).
Some of
them can have children but now we have no information about their children.
Alexey (* 1844) and Maria Sitnikova have son Ivan and 5 other children.
Ivan Tougarinoff has sons: Boris (Brussel), Mikhail (Brussel), Alexey (Moscow), Nikita (Moscow)
The main Dates of Russian History and Dates of Tougarinoffs.
988 - Russia became Christian country
1094 - Tougor Khan (Turkic people of Wilde Field) married the daughter of prince Svyatopolk (Kiev)
1095 - Tougor Khan begin war against Kiev and is killed. His child become Tougarinoff. Tougar Khan was not only leader and warrior but magician too and this property he gave to some of his descendants.)
1223 - Tartar begin attak on Russia
1242 - Prince Alexandr Nevskii destroy the army of Livon knights Order
1480 - Russian became independent (Tzar Ivan III)
1533-84 - Ivan the Terrible
1610 - Polish army occupied Moscow
1612 - peoples guard of Minin and Pozharskii turn Polish army out off Moscow
1654 - Chirch split (dissidence)
1682-1725 - Peter I the Great
(1690 (?)- was born Georgii Tougarinoff , the first of Tougarinoffs, who was written in Genealogic Book of Moscow Nobility. He has son Ivan and grandson Ivan)
1762-1796 - Ekaterina the Great
(1975 - Prince Potjemkin (the first minister of Ekaterina The Great) sent the captain I.Tougarinoff to Khan of Crymea (peninsula in South of Russia) as military diplomat. Khan of Crymea sent letter to Potjemkin with thanks for work of captain I.Tougarinoff (My son Denis find this letter in Military Archive of Russia). Crymea became the part of Russia without War. This I.Tougarinoff was Ivan - the grandson of Georgii Tougarinoff.)
(1757 - was born Alexey Tougarinoff, the son of Ivan)
(1809 - was born Dmitrii Tougarinoff, the son of Alexey)
1812 - the war with Napoleon France
(Alexei Tougarinoff 1844-1883 - lawyer in Moscow, his wife Maria Sitnikova, the teacher of music. His son Ivan Tougarinoff - engineer, Moscow 1878-1945)
1917 - the Great October Revolution
(1919 - Ivan Tougarinoff become Director of Putilov Plant, the largest Plant of St.Peterbourg
1921 - Ivan Tougarinoff become Vice Director of Plant, making machine tool (metal-working industry) in Moscow. This plant is placed near "Donskoi Monastery" - Cloister of Donskoi Icon of Holly Lady, where Ivan was burialed. Ivan Tougarinoff has sons: Boris, Mikhail, Alexey, Nikita).
P.S. Sorry for pour English and mistakes.